Thursday, May 26, 2011

A day of Zip-Line activities

Here we are, half way through the week in Cabo already.  Another glorious sunny day and we started early heading out into the desert canyons about an hour from the resort.  We were about 20 tourists and 5 local guides going off for a couple hours hiking, and riding the zip lines over and across he canyons.  Nothing but cactus and rocks.  Certainly not a place where you want to go wandering off the path, or fall from the zip line. A swinging bridge took us up a mountainside that really was impassable,   After an hour or so we all assembled at a platform built out over the canyon and were required to give up our pulleys and now received some very large leather gloves, time to learn to rappel.  Instructions were detailed, then demonstrations by the guides, then we took our place on the platform,  Two rappellers at a time were sent down the cliff,  We were 3rd and 4th tourists sent off. Leaning backward our over air, suddenly it seems like a bad idea,but, it's too late now,  then a little push and off you go, just like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible!  It's over in a couple seconds, hardly time to be scared.  No photo's today, cameras, phones, blackberries all had to be locked up before  heading out to the desert

A snack back at the sign in place and then a lesson in Tequila.  100percent pure agava.  This is the only thing you need to know.  blanco  or amber, it's a matter of taste.  Of course flavored tequilas are also available.  Tequila is imported here, none is made in Baja California, only in Jalisco.  If made in another Mexican state it is called mescal.  If i isn't "stamped" by the Mexican Gov't it is "tequila"/rotgut, where some tequila is mixed with sugar cane alcohol.  That will cause a headache and not taste good either.

Time for a late lunch and a siesta once we are back in Cabo.  Tonight we will sample the dinner at Mi Casa, a favorite from previous trips.

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