Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 1 Getting there

Travel day arrived Yeahhhh !!! We started by leaving the house at o500. To use a line of Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam, “What does the o in o500 stand for? O my god it’s early”

Things went real smooth and the only notable thing was the view of Mt. St. Hellen from the plane, quite spectacular to say the least. The snow and clear weather made it stand out like a sore thumb,

An hour and a half in LA and time for the last part of the journey I am looking forward to the 90 degrees and sunny what else could we ask for, oh……… dos Margarita por favor, all in good time grasshopper.

Once we got through the TS sales vultures we ended having a nice ride (with Grayline) to Cabo with a couple from Vancouver (on their honeymoon) and, another couple from Minneapolis. We chatted about every ones travels and plans for the week. Driving through Cabo both Laura and I noted that a lot of things have changed and look forward to exploring the town again.

After a visit to the pool, off we went to the Whalewatcher bar for a beer and a couple appies before we called it a day.  Amazing how 90 degree weather improves one’s view and attitude.  Now to plan some activities and maybe a tour or two. Maybe go ziplining and visit the canyons, or ATV riding on the beach, and a trip to Walmart to get some beer perhaps, but, it doesn’t really matter, we found spring finally.


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