Here it is our last night in Cabo. Being Sunday night alot shuts down early in the evening so the town is very quiet. After dinner we tried to print the boarding passes but was unable due to printer problem. Probably someone had finger trouble and did something and let the smoke out ( electronics is all smoke, let the smoke out and it doesn't work anymore), easy to do since the letters on the keyboard were gone and the menus are in Spanish. We will have to try again in the morning.
Some final pictures of the Cabo area that we found to be interesting and would like to share.
Marlin Statue on the Malecon
Some one has too much Money ( Note Helo on back of boat)
Del Sol is gone sniff sniff.
Playa Grande Penthouse Suits
Dolphin Pool
ATV Ride area
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A night with family and other things
Last night Laura and I had the most delightful night. Laura has a cousin that lives in San Juan Del Cabo and after three days ao trying we finally connected with Geoff. The long and the short is we had dinner at their place just outside town, we met Geoffs wife Claudia and there 4 month old baby, Jack, what a lovely family. I just hope that we can return their hospitality sometime soon since they are such nice people.
I have discovered that there is something in Mexico that causes my skin to turn red then flake off, don't know what it is but I will have to make another trip to further my research. Probably in a couple of years so I can do some research into the causes before I come back.
Since today is our last full day I am not sure what we will be doing. All I need is some real Tequila (100% Agave Azul) so I will have to spend some time looking for it, other than that not much planned.
I have noticed a new fashion trend down here, first there are a lot of MJ Thriller style hats and they seem to be everywhere, secondly and more scary is the fashion of running around with the top button of their shorts undone and the zippy more than half undone. At first I thought it was because the ladies had their bathing suits on but no that was not the case. Unfortunately I know what happens when I don't do up my belt,button and zipper, not a pretty sight I will leave it at that image. They must be using double sided sticky tape to keep them up, how scary is that, especially when it is usually the ones that shouldn't if you get my drift.
I have discovered that there is something in Mexico that causes my skin to turn red then flake off, don't know what it is but I will have to make another trip to further my research. Probably in a couple of years so I can do some research into the causes before I come back.
Since today is our last full day I am not sure what we will be doing. All I need is some real Tequila (100% Agave Azul) so I will have to spend some time looking for it, other than that not much planned.
I have noticed a new fashion trend down here, first there are a lot of MJ Thriller style hats and they seem to be everywhere, secondly and more scary is the fashion of running around with the top button of their shorts undone and the zippy more than half undone. At first I thought it was because the ladies had their bathing suits on but no that was not the case. Unfortunately I know what happens when I don't do up my belt,button and zipper, not a pretty sight I will leave it at that image. They must be using double sided sticky tape to keep them up, how scary is that, especially when it is usually the ones that shouldn't if you get my drift.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Fun in the Cactus
What can I say about Mi Casa, simply the best mole chicken I have ever had. Laura's Michoacan diner made of slow roasted pork shoulder with tortilla's and the fixin's was also a big hit. Certainly the best meal we have had here by a long shot a little pricy but that's OK only once in a while and worth every penny. Oh yah the 20 oz margarita was good too. The tortillas here so are totally different than the ones at home, these are very thin, light and flaky almost like a good pie crust wish I knew the secret.
On the way back to the room we stopped at a tequila store, there were close to 200 different types on display and thousands of bottles, a grown ups candy store for sure, prices starting at $80p for a 26er to $890p for an 8oz bottle . Quite a range, I just have to figure out which one I like the best, and price is not the determining factor , I imagine that some of the bottles are really pricy to make and is a large part of the final price ie the gun shaped bottle all marketing.
This morning was kind of a lazy day with a walk down the beach to the west of the resort past the new "privet living club" (time share) that was built in the last couple of years. I do have to admit they are very nice but they are on my beach and they didn't ask me if it was OK.
We went ATV riding this afternoon and had a ball, unfortunately it wasn't a good afternoon for others as two of the others on the tour collided and one I am very sure broke her leg. It really showed how dangerous the activity can be. I was quite impressed with the guide and how he handled it, there was an ambulance waiting fo them in less than 10 min quite close by and we were on our way in less than half an hour. The rest of the tour was really fun, riding around in the sage brush and skinny cows on the sandy range, with nothing but dirty socks as a casualty.
On the way back we walked the Malecon to see what to do for dinner, of course every one tried to get us in. As we walked by one place that didn't try we noticed Hockey night in Canada. Too good to pass up so we got to see the lat half of the third period and Boston score to take the series. As a note it was realy good food too, a large mexican pizza with jelapeno's and beans, yes beans, wasnt bad to start with and quite good once we got used to beans on a pizza.
On the way back to the room we stopped at a tequila store, there were close to 200 different types on display and thousands of bottles, a grown ups candy store for sure, prices starting at $80p for a 26er to $890p for an 8oz bottle . Quite a range, I just have to figure out which one I like the best, and price is not the determining factor , I imagine that some of the bottles are really pricy to make and is a large part of the final price ie the gun shaped bottle all marketing.
We went ATV riding this afternoon and had a ball, unfortunately it wasn't a good afternoon for others as two of the others on the tour collided and one I am very sure broke her leg. It really showed how dangerous the activity can be. I was quite impressed with the guide and how he handled it, there was an ambulance waiting fo them in less than 10 min quite close by and we were on our way in less than half an hour. The rest of the tour was really fun, riding around in the sage brush and skinny cows on the sandy range, with nothing but dirty socks as a casualty.
On the way back we walked the Malecon to see what to do for dinner, of course every one tried to get us in. As we walked by one place that didn't try we noticed Hockey night in Canada. Too good to pass up so we got to see the lat half of the third period and Boston score to take the series. As a note it was realy good food too, a large mexican pizza with jelapeno's and beans, yes beans, wasnt bad to start with and quite good once we got used to beans on a pizza.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A day of Zip-Line activities
Here we are, half way through the week in Cabo already. Another glorious sunny day and we started early heading out into the desert canyons about an hour from the resort. We were about 20 tourists and 5 local guides going off for a couple hours hiking, and riding the zip lines over and across he canyons. Nothing but cactus and rocks. Certainly not a place where you want to go wandering off the path, or fall from the zip line. A swinging bridge took us up a mountainside that really was impassable, After an hour or so we all assembled at a platform built out over the canyon and were required to give up our pulleys and now received some very large leather gloves, time to learn to rappel. Instructions were detailed, then demonstrations by the guides, then we took our place on the platform, Two rappellers at a time were sent down the cliff, We were 3rd and 4th tourists sent off. Leaning backward our over air, suddenly it seems like a bad idea,but, it's too late now, then a little push and off you go, just like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible! It's over in a couple seconds, hardly time to be scared. No photo's today, cameras, phones, blackberries all had to be locked up before heading out to the desert
A snack back at the sign in place and then a lesson in Tequila. 100percent pure agava. This is the only thing you need to know. blanco or amber, it's a matter of taste. Of course flavored tequilas are also available. Tequila is imported here, none is made in Baja California, only in Jalisco. If made in another Mexican state it is called mescal. If i isn't "stamped" by the Mexican Gov't it is "tequila"/rotgut, where some tequila is mixed with sugar cane alcohol. That will cause a headache and not taste good either.
Time for a late lunch and a siesta once we are back in Cabo. Tonight we will sample the dinner at Mi Casa, a favorite from previous trips.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A nice easy third day in Cabo
Wednesday in Cabo, warm, sunny and windy with about 90 as a high.
We walked to town again and found some salsa (hot sauce), it is only about a 10 min walk to the heart of the harbour, checked out the leather shops and got a piece fixed as well as getting a replacement fanny pack for the one that I had stolen last year. Ya ya I know they are the gear of geeks but when I have no problem going through an airport security line who's the geek now EH!!!. Besides it allows me to keep my testing stuff and insulin in a good place with easy access.
One of our previous delights was a bakery that had the best apple muffins but sad to say it is now gone for ever, a sign of the times I suppose but in a town that is changing as rapidly as Cabo is it has to be expected , sad anyway. When we first came here in 1999 there was the Finisterra and the Del Sol on a beach about 1.5 miles long, there is now 8 or 9 that take up the full length of the beach, and Del Sol has a fence around it with a wrecking ball inside. Too bad the second hotel has to go like this, since it was supposedly the place of question in "Rumor Has It". The Finisterra has been taken over by the Myan group and the have plans to redo the property.
I have found writing the blog this time a bit challenging, the only place I get good enough WIFI is in the lobby which is OK but the Blogspot web page is in Spanish I am unable to get the english version, I got a fatal error and still can't figure out what it was on about.
Tomorrow we are off to Zip-line for the morning then a lazy afternoon and dinner at Mi Casa at 7:00. Then Friday we will do some ATV tours so lots to entertain us.
We walked to town again and found some salsa (hot sauce), it is only about a 10 min walk to the heart of the harbour, checked out the leather shops and got a piece fixed as well as getting a replacement fanny pack for the one that I had stolen last year. Ya ya I know they are the gear of geeks but when I have no problem going through an airport security line who's the geek now EH!!!. Besides it allows me to keep my testing stuff and insulin in a good place with easy access.
One of our previous delights was a bakery that had the best apple muffins but sad to say it is now gone for ever, a sign of the times I suppose but in a town that is changing as rapidly as Cabo is it has to be expected , sad anyway. When we first came here in 1999 there was the Finisterra and the Del Sol on a beach about 1.5 miles long, there is now 8 or 9 that take up the full length of the beach, and Del Sol has a fence around it with a wrecking ball inside. Too bad the second hotel has to go like this, since it was supposedly the place of question in "Rumor Has It". The Finisterra has been taken over by the Myan group and the have plans to redo the property.
I have found writing the blog this time a bit challenging, the only place I get good enough WIFI is in the lobby which is OK but the Blogspot web page is in Spanish I am unable to get the english version, I got a fatal error and still can't figure out what it was on about.
Tomorrow we are off to Zip-line for the morning then a lazy afternoon and dinner at Mi Casa at 7:00. Then Friday we will do some ATV tours so lots to entertain us.
Day 2 A day of getting re-aquainted with Cabo
To day we ended up in Los Cabo and had an interesting morning just looking arround . On the way back we stopped at the local Walmart and got some essentials (Beer and Coffee) then returned to the room and to the pool for lunch. The shrimp ceasar and the fajitas were terific next to the pool, interesting the number of people that have their laptops and are working on their holiday. Yes we have our laptop too, but email and blog is all it is being used for,,, really it's the twuth.
A walk into town and looking at the new Malecon was wonderful. After a trip to the local store and coffee filters (forgot them the first time) and granola bars we headed back. Some things change but others stay the same, the look of the Malecon has changed but the Sales people are just as aggressive as before, and still won't take no for an answer, so tactic 2 is in order, just be rude that is all they understand it seems. After a few hurt feelings we stopped for a drink at a local out side bar, after asking if the hockey game will be on and a very blank look then a "oh sure what ever you want" chat it was clear that he had no idea what we were after, the long and short is we never did get to see the game.
Our final stop for the day was the Whalewatcher again for a light snack for dinner. I discovered a new hot sauce that is very smooth and not super hot just right for almost everything. I will see if I can find it in the store and bring a bottle home. I call it hot sauce they call it salsa which ever it is it is great stuff.
Malecon Neat the Dolphin pool |
Cabo San Lucas City Square |
Our final stop for the day was the Whalewatcher again for a light snack for dinner. I discovered a new hot sauce that is very smooth and not super hot just right for almost everything. I will see if I can find it in the store and bring a bottle home. I call it hot sauce they call it salsa which ever it is it is great stuff.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 1 Getting there
Things went real smooth and the only notable thing was the view of Mt. St. Hellen from the plane, quite spectacular to say the least. The snow and clear weather made it stand out like a sore thumb,
An hour and a half in LA and time for the last part of the journey I am looking forward to the 90 degrees and sunny what else could we ask for, oh……… dos Margarita por favor, all in good time grasshopper.
Once we got through the TS sales vultures we ended having a nice ride (with Grayline) to Cabo with a couple from Vancouver (on their honeymoon) and, another couple from Minneapolis. We chatted about every ones travels and plans for the week. Driving through Cabo both Laura and I noted that a lot of things have changed and look forward to exploring the town again.
After a visit to the pool, off we went to the Whalewatcher bar for a beer and a couple appies before we called it a day. Amazing how 90 degree weather improves one’s view and attitude. Now to plan some activities and maybe a tour or two. Maybe go ziplining and visit the canyons, or ATV riding on the beach, and a trip to Walmart to get some beer perhaps, but, it doesn’t really matter, we found spring finally.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Its getting closer and closer
It is just a few days before we leave and packing is about to get under way. We usually pack light so this time I think we will pack lighter than usual. Last night I got my pre trip boost so I should be all ready to have a good time and do some activities while we are there.
I have the airport transportation all set up and hopefully won't have to deal too much with the timeshare demons, my least favorite part of going to Mexico. We have about 30 miles to get to the Finisterra from the airport and it depends where the others are staying as to how many stops we have, so we should be there about 6:30PM just in time for a leisurely dinner at the Palapa and pool that's the hope anyway.
Tonight I will try to book a couple of activities on line. I was thinking of Zip lining for one and maybe a day to La Pas not sure about that one as it is a 10 hr day not sure I can do that one without problems. Or maybe a day in Todos Santos not quite sure yet. Anyway the next post will likely be from Mexico next Tuesday
I have the airport transportation all set up and hopefully won't have to deal too much with the timeshare demons, my least favorite part of going to Mexico. We have about 30 miles to get to the Finisterra from the airport and it depends where the others are staying as to how many stops we have, so we should be there about 6:30PM just in time for a leisurely dinner at the Palapa and pool that's the hope anyway.
Tonight I will try to book a couple of activities on line. I was thinking of Zip lining for one and maybe a day to La Pas not sure about that one as it is a 10 hr day not sure I can do that one without problems. Or maybe a day in Todos Santos not quite sure yet. Anyway the next post will likely be from Mexico next Tuesday
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