To day is the day we start home. After a roaring evening with Steve, Mel, Cathy, Randy, Milli, Marg, Tony and a few others we had dinner drinks and lots "O" laughs.
Just as we were leaving Cathy had three beer in a case when the bottom fell out and spewed two bottles of Blue moon all over the floor for 10 feet around, one survived for another day. Needless to say half an hour later we had collected all the broken glass and mopped all the beer off the floor. We didn't let the night teller clean since we did it with many thanks from the young lady. I guess all those years of my mopping the floor at McDonald's wasn't wasted.
Today we started with packing and storing things better than the last three days so nothing gets broken. With all the cords, mats,and chairs stored we said our good byes to Tony and Marg as they head south and we head west.
We had been looking for some where to get the oil changed, since I didn't want Cooter to do it, it took 5 stops till we finally found a Ford dealer in Ogallala 120 miles west of Kearney to change it for us.we drove to Gering just before the Wyoming border on highway 26 and booked into quite a nice camp ground quite a way from the train tracks for a change. We had time to work on our blogs and do a laundry you know the usual stuff that is hard to on the road. A nice quiet dinner and time for dog walks and bedtime.
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